Sheena Comarsh

Site Manager & JrFit Director
Sheena Comarsh joined the AVAC Swim School® family in 2002 where she worked her way up from a Swim Instructor to a Deck Supervisor. Wanting to break out of the box, she moved from LA to New York and back again having different supervisor or management positions, the longest being at Equinox managing many of the boutiques within the different locations. Expanding her knowledge in staff development, sales, merchandising and some marketing, Sheena realized her love of the gym environment, but Equinox did not feel like the place to settle down. She returned home to AVAC® in 2013 and continued her growth where she has become part of the Site Management Team at the AVAC Swim School® and Director of the AVAC® JrFit Program. Running programs to keep kids active is a passion of hers especially in a time of abundant technology. In her spare time she she is out with her husband and 2 kids on mini adventures like local hikes and various camping/hunting trips. She looks forward to seeing you and your littles around the club!